Panasonic Leica DG Nocticron 42.5mm f/1.2 ASPH. POWER O.I.S. Lens with UV Filter Kit

Panasonic Leica DG Nocticron 42.5mm f/1.2 ASPH. POWER O.I.S. Lens with UV Filter Kit



B&H Photo Video (108)
49 Reviews

Love the clarity of this lens

Jan 8, 2020

I primarily use my M4/3 camera for vacation trips but this lens may force me to use it more for portraits. The focus is quick and precise with fantastic bokeh. I am used to using a full frame camera for my portraits but decided to see how this lens did with one of my poses. It is sharp and made the weeds behind them blend into a beautiful background. I highly recommend this lens.

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One of the best lens

Dec 27, 2019

After a lots of research finally I decide to buy this lens and it worth. First of all B&H provide me awesome customer service and answer my all question regarding this product and I cant stop myself to choose 1 day delivery. Lens is extra awesome, fully metal body and the image quality yes sharp, true color, awesome low light performance and bokeh OMG this lens is bokeh king. I choose this lens for both portrait and video as a B roll lens. Yes, one of best lens that I have. Expensive but worth every penny.

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My favorite lens for Panasonic GH4

Oct 10, 2019

Rented this lens on several occasions for several video projects and fell in love with it. Dreamed of owning it. The sharpness the, the background seperatiion are indescribable. When I saw it on sale on B&H's website recently I had to have it. Dream come true and an investment in Leica glass. You won't be disappointed!!!

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Professional grade lens for portraits or low light

Jul 28, 2019

This would be the last lens I would give up of the 6 I own for my Panasonic Lumix GX-9 body. Astounding capabilities. Expensive, but worth it if you want the very best.

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Jun 8, 2019

I can only say one word that says it all Outstanding! Extremely sharp, extreme shallow depth of field at f/1.2 my new go to portrait lens!

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An Ideal Portrait Lens

Dec 17, 2018

This lens, when wide open, can produce results with the right balance of angle of view, depth of field, and image quality . It is an ideal portrait lens.

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great lens

Nov 26, 2018

I tried a couple of shots with my GX8 and I am impressed. Very nice bokeh and separation of subject. Sharp even wide open.

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Oct 3, 2018

I bought this lens last. Mainly because I was concerned about getting shallow DOF with a MTF. I'm very pleased with the lens performance.

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believe all the hype

Sep 8, 2018

for the better part of the last three years I have salivated over this lens and red no less than 50 reviews about it and watched no less than three or four dozen YouTube videos about it as well. Finally ironed enough to pull the trigger. I had bought the voigtlander lens first because it was slightly Cheaper by a few hundred dollars. Although that is a great lens I knew that I would need this lens for some of my photography needs where auto focus... Show More

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Best lens for the M43 system!

Apr 21, 2018

This has got to be one of the best lenses you can get for the M43 system. It's incredibly sharp and the images are supreme. If you love bokeh, you'll love this lens. It's my favorite lens out of my collection. Can't say enough good things about it. Worth every penny.

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Crisp, yet mellow

Feb 27, 2018

Crisp, in that sharpness is screen and/or paper popping. Mellow, in that skin tone and gradient tones are smooth. Snappy auti focus response. Ideal for portrait and full body/fashion captures. Nice bokeh, which makes the subject (person or object) eye catching.

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Sharp lense..

Jan 16, 2018

What else to say about that lense. Fast and accurate, right on the spot usine Lumix GH5..

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Incredible optics

Dec 22, 2017

The sharpness (at F1.2), color, contrast, build quality, stabilization, the "Leica look" - it's all there. I was skeptical when I mounted this thing on my GH5 - but no pixel peeper can deny the quality in the RAW files this lens can make. It's stunning. It turns ordinary subjects into art. And don't get me started on the bokeh. How this thing makes a tack sharp sliver of a focal plane at F1.2 melt away into a blissful and oh so pleasing smooth cl... Show More

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The best Lens on my GH4 for stills and videos

Nov 17, 2017

PROS: Highest resolving lens on my GH4 the micro contrast creates amazing 3D pop effects in portrait shots. This lens is amazingly good at f/1.2 I used to own the Voigtlander 42.5mm f/0.95 lens but I found I had to stop it down to f/2.8 or even f/4 to get edge to edge sharpness. What is the point of a f/0.95 lens which is only useful @ f/2.8? I have sold my Voigtlander sice purchasing the Noctricon. The greatest thing about the Noctricon is the c... Show More

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Stunning photographs.

Jun 23, 2017

This lens is worth the price. It is large for an m43 lens, but it pulls you into a whole new realm of wonderful with what it can do. I cannot praise the image quality enough. I also own the Olympus 75mm f1.8 which is a great lens. This one though is just different, it's artistic in a way that other lenses aren't. Wonderful for low light shooting. It did a fantastic job photographing an indoor Nickel Creek concert.

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Panasonic Leica 42.5 Nocticron

Jun 23, 2017

Simply an amazing lens with clean image quality and fast focus. Within a few minutes of using I became familiar with the speed and accuracy of this lens. Loving it so far and I can't wait to use it on my trip to Yosemite soon.

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Panasonic Leica 42.5 Nocticron

Jun 23, 2017

Simply an amazing lens with clean image quality and fast focus. Within a few minutes of using I became familiar with the speed and accuracy of this lens. Loving it so far and I can't wait to use it on my trip to Yosemite soon.

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Panasonic Leica 42.5 Nocticron

Jun 23, 2017

Simply an amazing lens with clean image quality and fast focus. Within a few minutes of using I became familiar with the speed and accuracy of this lens. Loving it so far and I can't wait to use it on my trip to Yosemite soon.

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Best lens I own

May 3, 2017

Hands down the best lens I have ever owned. Take this and it's image stabilizer and pair with the new gh5 and wow, you got some smooth footage with incredible depth. Great portrait lens as well.

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Don't miss this one!

Mar 3, 2017

I bought the 42.5 Nocticron for low light portrait shooting on my em1. Notwithstanding the well documented balky autofocus problems with the em1 in low light, I recently shot close-up people pictures at f1.2, ISO 12,800 at an Independence Day celebration in the Dominican Republic with truly outstanding results. In regular light, of course, there are no autofocus problems and the lens is as sharp as advertised, while the bokeh is creamy. A beautiful lens which looks and feels terrific on an em1. Many people comment on what a great looking rig it is. Glad I picked it up.

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Worth every penny for getting the best images.

Feb 22, 2017

One of the best lenses I've ever used during 40 years of photography and videography. Sharp, fast, accurate color, great AF and nice manual focus control.

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Leica Nocticron

Feb 6, 2017

After a year of my thinking about it, B&H had a couple hundred bucks off sale, so I bought one. I come from decades of great Nikon gear, so appreciate a nice sharp image. Other objective technical reviewers have said this lens is among the best of any brand, and my subjective opinion concurs. The focal length is a sweet-spot for portraits, gardens, family dogs and kids, and many other applications. Bokeh is just what you want, and the 1.2 aperture offers new opportunities in non-flash low light. Yes, it costs a few extra bucks, but if quality is important to you, get one.

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Yes I will buy this product again.

Jan 18, 2017

Honestly one of the best lens I ever owned / used. You may be hesitant with the price but the 1.2 f.stop really saves you in low lighting situations. The separation between your backdrop and focus subject is amazing. I do not recommend using this lens on a light mobile tripod for video because if the F-stop is completely open you will see the slightest jitters if tripod is not sturdy.

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Great M4/3 lens!

Jan 9, 2017

I'm using the 42.5 lens primarily for headshots but feel that it's a great all around people' lens if you're looking to obtain shallow depth of field on the M 4/3 cameras. I've read some reviews that felt the lens was large or heavy but i haven't found it to be either one (at least when compared to DSLR lenses)

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Panasonic Leica DG Nocticron 42.5mm f/1.2 ASPH. POWER O.I.S. Lens
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Panasonic Leica DG Nocticron 42.5mm f/1.2 ASPH. POWER O.I.S. Lens with UV Filter Kit
$1197.99 International shipping In Stock
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