Sony E 35mm f/1.8 OSS Lens

Sony E 35mm f/1.8 OSS Lens



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Great performing lens but costly

Aug 1, 2013

I like this lens allot. It's sharp in the center and reasonably sharp at wide open on the edges. Autofocus is good overall. (not spectacular but good)What makes this lens special is it's OSS. When shooting video, it's got a VERY nice stabilization effect. It works well on my VG20 and FS100.My only complaint is the price. Sony is demanding a bit too much for this little baby. It's well built and performs nicely but in my opinion, it' s about $100+ too high in price.But then again, if you need auto iris, auto focus and a great OSS? Where else will you get that?

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Sony encounters prime lens

Jul 15, 2013

They say every photographer should have a prime lens in their kit. This one does the job nicely.

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Great Lens

Jul 1, 2013

I really like how small this lens is. It gives great bokeh due to that f1.8 aperture. The construction of it is great, although I do wish it was metal instead of plastic since it is a $lens. I use it on my VG30 and its a great video lens.

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The more I use it, the more I love it.

Jun 26, 2013

Let's compare this normal focal length lens to others I have used for same purpose. This includes Leica Summicron and Summilux of 1950s, Nikkor F and Nikon DX lenses, and many in between. Not one of these other lenses had any advantage vs. the new Sony 35 mm. Handling and both autofocus and manual focus are on par with the best. Images are sharp and cropping proves this. I do not detect distortion or chromatic aberration. Weight is nicely light, ... Show More

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Great lens; really fast

Jun 21, 2013

This lens is great as a prime lens. Works great with my Sony nex 5. Photos are crisp and this lens works great in low light. It's pricey but worth the cost due to the OSS

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Perfect lens for the Sony fs100 Ea50

Jun 20, 2013

Its a perfect fast normal lens on my Sony EA50 and FS100. Light weight and plastic but the video camera are heavy enough so thats a bonus for me... although for the price I figured it would be a little more solid feeling. I normally use a tripod but with the OOS its great being able to get some shoots on the shoulder that I may have missed setting up support. Absolutely razor sharp even at 1.8 (1920 x 1080) I would expect I would need to stop it ... Show More

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Excellent prime lens for NEX!

Jun 3, 2013

I bought this for my NEX-6 as my primary lens and I think it is the perfect all-around lens (although a wider angle would be nice). Very fast, properly priced, and compact.

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I like it so far

May 19, 2013

I use this mostly for indoor, 1-2 subjects -- otherwise I found myself preferring the Sigma 19mm 2.8 for my walk arounds in the city. Totally different focal lengths, I know but the Sigma seems to retain more sharpness and detail when trying to capture more in a scene. Nevertheless, this is my go-to lens for Indoor, intimate pictures

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More DOF Than You'd Expect

Apr 25, 2013

Produces nice creamy bokehmore than you'd expect for a f1.8. Nice focusing, really sturdy construction. Focus is completely silent.

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Love it!

Apr 23, 2013

I love this lens, its perfect for a walk around lens. It's decent at f1.8 and the bokeh looks good. The only con would be its steep price.

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Great lens!

Apr 13, 2013

Sharp wide open - very sharp stopped down to just 2.8. A little pricey, but very enjoyable to use.

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poor build quality

Apr 10, 2013

I spent a couple of days with this lens and several times the AF would freak out and lock up. Would have to turn off the camera and then it would work again for a while. The kit SEL1855 never does this so that rules out the camera body. This lens looked sharp when working though a bit too clinical for my tastes. The price is too high and with the issues I had I have little faith in the QC to try another. I'll stick with the kit lens, the Minolta and Voigtlander manual lenses I have aquired.

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Not disappointed

Mar 19, 2013

I was looking for a fast, sharp normal lens for my NEX 7. Waited for quite awhile for this lens to come out (and resisted the sigma equivalent because it lacks image stabilization). The lens did not disappoint. Images are sharp and it does have a few extra stops for better low light performance than the kit lens. A bit expensive, I think it is worth it.

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Expensive but worth of money

Mar 18, 2013

Very nice lense and one must have stuff for Sony Nex, Very sharp pictures and good result in low light as well, fast focus in the low light and always stay on my camera for all kind of photography,

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My favorite lens

Mar 8, 2013

This has become my favorite NEX lens and I use it to take 80% of my shots. What I love about this lens: -Very sharp corner to corner image without any visible distortion -The lens body is of metal construction and seems durable -35mm gives an equivalent field of view on APS-C that is great for street photography and family pics -The combination of optical stabilization and the fast aperture of f/1.8 makes this lens perfect for low light photograp... Show More

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a bit expensive but worth it

Jan 16, 2013

I use it as walk around lens,and very satisfied with it in term of Sharpness (f2 and up), and Contrast and Clarity. Now, let's talk about the price! Compare to Sigma 30mm f2.8 ( which is a very good lens also) it is kind of steep, but we factor those advantages from Sony 35mm f1.8 in... OSS (help maintain low ISO with proper shutter speed.) Light weight and Sony name No rattling and quick turn-on (Compare to Sigma 30mm). But 4 stars because from my hard earn cold cash, it's still expensive !!!!!

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Review 35mm f/1.8 OSS E-mount prime lens

Jan 11, 2013

This 35mm 1.8 is wonderful addition to my NEX lenses. I am currently using my 18-55 kits lens and a Voigtlander 40mm 1.4 prime lens. Sharpness is up to par to my Voigtlander if not better. Main difference is this lens is autofocus and the Voigtlander is not. So far I've used this lens for about 2 weeks, the one thing I do notice is when using this lens in low light that in some occasions, it tends to hunt the subject when focusing. I don't know i... Show More

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Great balance or price and performance

Jan 10, 2013

I bought this lens as soon as it was available based on several online reviews and high hopes.It has not disappointed. I bought this to have an upgrade to the 16-50mm kit lens on the NEX6 which is quite slow at the 50mm end. I have rented the 24mm Zeiss before and find this lens to be a great value for its performance compared to the $1100 price on the Zeiss. The build quality is great and matches the look and feel of the NEX6.I really like the camera in low light indoors. It's a great improvement over the kit lens in that regard both for stills as well as video.

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35mm f/1.8 lens on Nex-6 is a winner

Jan 7, 2013

I bought this lens to use on my Nex-6. I have tested it at most apetures and find it to be an excellent lens overall. It is a little sosft wide open, but closed down to 2.2 and it is fine through f11. The OSS does help, particularly in low light shooting. The lens seems to be well made, yet is light weight and makes an excellent walk-about lens. It is slightly larger than the 16-50 kit lens, but balances nicely on the camera. All in all, though pricey, I would rate it a good buy.

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Great walk-around/low-light lens for NEX

Jan 4, 2013

I use this lens as an all-purpose walk-around lens. Its field of view in my NEX is about the same as a classic 50mm lens on bulky full-frame cameras. Thanks to a large max aperture and optical stabilization, this lens has been great for photography without flash in low light -- for example, outdoors in the evening or night, or indoors in softly lit areas like bars and restaurant rooms. Images are sharp at all apertures, although corners are a tiny bit soft in corners at f/1.8. Bokeh is beautiful. Autofocus works well for me except in really dark or tricky situations. The lens feels solid.

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Quite impressed!

Jan 3, 2013

I have to say I'm quite impressed with this lens. Though it is a bit slow to focus, as is the NEX-7, compared to my Nikkor glass, it is small, light and compact. Sharp from corner to corner at most apertures. Expensive for what it is, but worth the price due to image quality.

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new favorite lens

Jan 2, 2013

great lens. The focus is a little soft on the nex 7. I was expecting sharper but that could be adjusted on the camera settings. One problem that I have noticed. Even if I set my focus point on center and even if I re-press the shutter button. The lens sometimes doesn't focus on the subject. After I try to refocus with auto-focus 3-4 times and the lens can't seem to focus. I always keep the focus setting on DMF and manually focus on the subject. T... Show More

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Worth the wait and the cost

Dec 23, 2012

I've only had this for a few days, so this is my initial impression: Very sharp -- especially at 2.2 and up. OSS is great for video Slightly cheap feeling due to plastic body Extremely light weight. Focuses quickly and accurately in most lighting conditions.

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Very Noisy

Dec 22, 2012

I just got one of these. Been waiting for it for my Nex-7. I was amazed. When I pressed the shutter there was a loud ZICK ZICK noise which had me baffled. I finally tracked it down to the aperture blades. They are stopped down to allow viewing of the depth of field but they jump open to meter and focus. Then they stop back down. ZICK ZICK. Hardly silent. You can hear it easily across the room. As in SOMEONE TAKING PICTURES OVER HERE! Seems to kin... Show More

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Sony E 35mm f/1.8 OSS Lens
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Sony E 35mm f/1.8 OSS Lens with UV Filter Kit
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