Rolls HA243 4-Channel Studiophile Headphone Amplifier

Rolls HA243 4-Channel Studiophile Headphone Amplifier



B&H Photo Video (2)

Nice Amp but could offer more

Jan 3, 2013

Easy to set-up and use. I use it for headphones at exercise equipment at home. I wish it was a little more powerful for headphone amplification but it does get the job done. It is very irritating that the unit does not have an on/off power switch. It is always on so to turn it off, you need to unplug it or use a power strip that you can turn off. The power consumption is minimal but my headphones are continually in use if the unit is not turned off! Extra noise is then in the rom!

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Rolls HA243 4-Channel Studiophile Headphone Amplifier
$130 International shipping Special Order
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